I’m venturing into unchartered territory and admittedly I’m not very comfortable writing about Astrology. However Astrology, as an ancient system of divination, can provide valuable insights into the collective and individual impact of today’s transformative event: Pluto’s transit into Aquarius.
So let’s dig in.
By understanding the Planetary energies at play we can better prepare ourselves for the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.
However, it is important to remember that Astrology is not a deterministic science. It is a tool that can help us to understand the underlying patterns and cycles of life. Ultimately it is up to each individual to choose how they respond to these cosmic influences.
Goodbye Capricorn
Today, November 19, 2024 a significant astrological event will occur as Pluto, the planet of transformation and rebirth, enters the sign of Aquarius. Pluto exits Capricorn after the two had a tumultuous but character-building run, lasting on and off (but mostly on) for the better part of 15 years.
As Pluto shifts from Capricorn, where it has been since 2008, it shifts from Earth to Air. This element, Air, represents consciousness and thought—things that we cannot physically touch. Air disperses. It quickens. And, it encourages us to leave behind what is stagnant and heavy as we turn our awareness toward greater movement and spiritual expansion.
Pluto’s recent transit through Capricorn, which is the sign of tradition, authority and structure has brought about significant changes in the global economic and political landscape. The systems and policies that Humans on the globe have evolved into incorporating into their day-to-day lives reached their fullest potential while Pluto was in Capricorn.
We have witnessed the rise and fall of powerful institutions, the erosion of traditional values and the emergence of new social hierarchies. That time is now coming to an end and it is the Individual who will now transition back into incorporating their own structures, their own authority and their own choices into their day-to-day lives, shedding the authoritarian Capricorn past.
We saw glimpses of this transformation as recently as 2020 when a group of people comprised of small business owners and farmers, religious leaders or even working class people, home makers and researchers used their own individual personal experiences and their deep love of freedom and autonomy, challenged the efficacy, necessity and morality of what will be forever branded in our memory as “Lockdown of 2020.”
As Pluto transitions out of Capricorn and into Aquarius it invites us to take even deeper looks into our shadow Selves. Who are we really? What is our personal, individual goal? What have we done up to this point to sabotage our full potential? What roadblocks can we now quietly step over?
This transition out of Capricorn and into Aquarius marks the beginning of a profound 20-year-cycle that will reshape our collective consciousness and usher in a new era of technological advancement, social revolution, and individual awakening.
Hello Aquarius
In Greek mythology, the water carrier represented by the constellation Aquarius is Ganymede, a beautiful Phrygian youth. Ganymede was the son of Tros, king of Troy (according to Lucian, he was also the son of Dardanus). While tending to his father’s flocks on Mount Ida, Ganymede was spotted by Zeus. The King of Gods flew down to the mountain in the form of a large bird, whisking Ganymede away to the Heavens. Ever since, the boy has served as cupbearer to the Gods. The Roman poet Ovid has Orpheus sing this tale in his body of work Metamorphoses, which is a Latin narrative poem and considered his magnum opus. The poem chronicles the history of the world from its creation to the deification of Julius Caesar in a mythico-historical framework comprising over 250 myths, 15 books, and 11,995 lines. For Aquarius to be represented in a portion of this magnificent work of fiction is a testament to this particular zodiac’s relevance in the metamorphosis of life and being.
Represented by the Star card in Tarot, Aquarius is the water bearer (hence the “aqua” in the word Aquarius), the mystical healer who bestows water, or life, upon the land. Aquarius can be visualized as a larger-than-life, mythical being with one foot firmly planted on the soil (representing a sense of being grounded) and one positioned in the water. Aquarius is holding a vase, which pours new streams of inspiration to cultivate longevity, healing and hope. Here, it’s important to remember that Aquarius is removed from this process—from this vantage, we can see that Aquarius is positioned as an independent entity separate from the life-giving hydration it offers the cracked soil. In this respect, Aquarius exposes its deep connection to community: Rooted in teamwork, collaboration, and the concept of the “greater good,” in the best sense as it was intended. Aquarius is determined to make a powerful difference in the world.
To understand the impact of Pluto’s transit into Aquarius, it is essential to consider its journey through the zodiac. Pluto was last in Aquarius some 248 years ago, in 1777 and 1778. You may recall from your history lessons what transpired then.
It was Revolutionary then and it will be Revolutionary now.
Pluto, the outermost planet in our solar system, takes approximately 248 years to orbit the Sun. As it slowly moves through each zodiac sign, it triggers deep, transformative processes that can take generations to fully unfold.
What both of these archetypes remind us is that collective change begins from within each Individual. While Aquarius looks to the highest reality and possibility for us all, Pluto unearths shadows and unconscious material that interrupt our expansion. While Aquarius desires liberation, Pluto illuminates any and all spaces within us that are anything but liberated.
It will expose those liminal spaces, those in-between spaces that have traditionally held our bodies and thoughts and even our unconscious habits in chains during Capricorn’s oppressive reign. Pluto asks that we stare into the eyes of what has us disempowered so that we may take our power back. The planet, which governs themes of control and power, brings to light any spaces within our shadow that attempt to control others, situations or outcomes. It invites us to explore the origins of this impulse and observe where it comes from and what lives beneath it so that we may begin untangling its hold on us with honesty and compassion.
As Pluto enters Aquarius it is a new paradigm. It is the sign of innovation, individuality, and humanitarianism and we can expect a shift in focus from the collective to the individual. Aquarius is a zodiac of paradigm shifts. It is a sign of breakthroughs. It is visionary, expansive and obsessed with innovation and the way we envision what’s yet to come. It is our higher mind and contribution to Society, and it desires liberation and evolution for all Humanity. Aquarius is associated with the collective consciousness, even technology and the future. Pluto’s transformative energy will ignite the areas of Individuality and humanitarianism but will also lead us to groundbreaking advancements in science, technology and artificial intelligence. Be not afraid of the advancements, be mindful of them and use this transformative time to move back into the Individual vision that sparks within the Human consciousness.
You will no doubt be near the technology that our Human minds and bodies recoil from, but you don’t have to be of it. Pluto moving into Aquarius gives you the Freedom and Courage and Intuition to navigate these technological landmines. You will find as we delve deeper into this transformative time that the landmines become more ridiculous and more ineffectual to our state of being as we become stronger and more independent.
Despite this transformation, the tension between Individuality and community will be a conscious battle, an undertaking that humans must never ignore. Aquarius values both personal Freedom and social responsibility. It is the social responsibility of the transformative Human to guide all of us away from the oppressive technological advancements that will masquerade as community. With Pluto moving into Aquarius enlightenment comes and lies are easily determined. Pluto’s influence will challenge us to reconcile these seemingly contradictory impulses, encouraging us to find ways to express our unique identities while also contributing to the health and well-being of individuals that make up humanity.
Technological Revolution
As warned Pluto in Aquarius will accelerate the pace of technological innovation, leading to breakthroughs in fields such as artificial intelligence, bio-technology and space exploration. These advancements may be real, or they may be sold to us as real, when in fact they may just be empty platitudes. During this impactful and transformative time, Discernment will rise above fear and skepticism. It will rise above a manufactured consent and Discernment will grip the consciousness of every living being on the planet, much to the chagrin of the grifters in charge. Although these technological advancements will have a profound impact on our daily lives, transforming the way we work, communicate and interact with the world around us, we can still maintain our Human Individuality during this time. We will mock these technological advancements and ignore them and in doing so mock and ignore the broligarchs who become obscenely wealthy from it.
Technology, as we’ve seen over the years, is a double-edged sword. Pluto’s influence may expose the darker side of technological progress, such as the potential for surveillance, manipulation and the erosion of privacy. As Humanitarians rising in Aquarius, we will use technology responsibly and it is up to us to ethically ensure that it benefits Humanity as a whole. And for those who it doesn’t benefit, they will have the Freedom and support to move on from it, without ridicule or harm.
Social and Political Upheaval
Pluto in Aquarius will also ignite social and political upheaval as People demand greater Freedom, equality and justice for their Individuality on the planet. The traditional power structures and hierarchies that have dominated society for centuries will be challenged and new, more egalitarian models will emerge.
Ironically, it is our Individual empowerment that will lift up the planet as a whole. Pluto in Aquarius also reminds us of the power of our Individual thought, word and frequency. It reminds us that the future is crafted through our thoughts and internal narratives and the way we allow hope into our souls. Aquarius is a conduit for the future, collapsing time and bringing it into the now, blending what has the potential to be with what exists so that we may start to live within it.
The rise of authentic, un-coopted social movements, Anarchism and Egalitarianism will be the defining feature of this Era. It is already happening in small towns and small communities across the Globe. Now that Pluto is in Aquarius, People will unite to address issues such as pollution over the false language of “climate change”; they will expect equal treatment and equal pay in their work environments as opposed to the manufactured false ideology of diversity, equity and inclusion; and the demand for true social equality will transform our consciousness. Human rights on a global scale will take a predominant singular vision across the world stage. The internet and social media will play a crucial role in mobilizing these movements, amplifying Individual voices, and creating a global community of legitimate change-makers.
But in this new Era of Transformation the internet and social media won’t be the catalyst for Individual thought any longer. We will have discernment after oppressive Capricorn has taught us that our digital twins could be co-opted, manipulated and used to foment dissent, fragmentation of our cultures and block the necessary true diversity that lives in Society. In this new Era, the legitimacy of change will be empowered and given momentum by individuals operating in their own Communities. Bake a pie, build a playground, pave a road, build a neighbor’s website, become an Angel investor to your friend’s idea, sew a button on a child’s school uniform, offer a sympathetic ear. We will see a blossoming of Art, Creativity, Compassion and Innovation outside of the engine of social media now that Pluto is transitioned into Aquarius.
Individual Awakening
On a personal level, Pluto in Aquarius will encourage us to embrace our Individuality and break free from limiting beliefs and patterns. We will be challenged to question the status quo and to seek out new and unconventional ways of thinking and being.
This time offers immense potential for personal growth, encouraging exploration and boundary-pushing for what we thought possible for ourselves. It offers us the space to untangle ourselves from collective noise that is not Ours so we can tune into and commit to what is, in essence, Us. It welcomes new perspectives, challenges limitations and welcomes inner authority.
This transit can also trigger a deep spiritual awakening as we connect with our higher selves and explore the mysteries of the universe. Many people will turn to practices such as meditation, prayer, the Rosary, contemplation, mysticism, yoga and even astrology to help them navigate this transformative period. As Pluto transits into Aquarius today, We are filled with Love and Patience for those whose belief systems may differ from Ours.
In the latter years of Pluto in Capricorn, each Individual experienced an indoctrination into a ritual of some kind and their personal lives were transformed. In that transformation there was pain, no matter which ritualistic indoctrination-door each Individual chose to pass through, pain was on the other side of it. Now that Pluto has transitioned into Aquarius, so that pain transitions to authentic joy in the Individual. Today marks the first day of de-programming and walking away from those ritualistic behaviors and attitudes that bound us to pain and self-immiseration during Capricorn.
With this transformation to authentic joy and celebration of life, comes quiet discernment. Each Individual will get there in their own time but rest assured with Aquarius fertilizing Our Intuition, and Pluto illuminating those dark spaces that hold a lie or calculated mis-direction, we will all get there. Transitioning from oppressive darkness into the airy, light-phase, discernment, intuition and self-guidance will help us explore our experiential knowledge and allow it to guide us further into our own personal transformative experiences. In this new Age of Aquarius there will be more discernment of each other, more discernment of what is fed to us from the outside and even a discernment of our own motives and what drives us personally. This is truly the age of Individuals awakening in this transformative time. And only Individual discernment will get us there.
As the Individual awakens to their own self-transformation remember that the experience itself, the transitioning process, is truly the goal. We must not be seduced by outcomes. Pluto moving into Aquarius doesn’t mean we are all suddenly going to sit on piles of money. We are now in a time of deep self-reflection, facing our past, facing our shadow selves, being open to self-guidance and allowing our heart and mind to influence our choices. During this joyous transitioning time where we have broken free from ritual, we celebrate our ability to tap into intuition and experiential knowledge. The gift of this time is the gift of community and a heightened sense of Self as we walk this Path together. The harvest will come. But it can only come with a deep Individual Reset, transitioning out of Capricorn and in to Aquarius.
Aquarius is Anarchism
But a humanitarian at heart, Aquarius supports the whole. Acutely aware of our interconnectedness, it embodies community and societal progress in an egalitarian way that may initially appear contradictory. As Aquarius is also a sign of Individuation, it separates itself from the collective mind so that it may hear its own path, heed its own call and liberate itself from constricting thought patterns, belief systems and more. From this liberated state, Aquarius arrives where it was always meant to be—able to peer into the vaster possibilities awaiting us all and bringing evolution for humanity through its very being.
Unlike during the repressive reign of Capricorn, Aquarius will embody the true essence of Anarchism, which is truly the human experience. People will be given the Freedom and Courage to live in a true state of being: Free and unencumbered from hierarchies. The rules we follow in the Age of Aquarius-Anarchism are rules that remind us there is no individual power head voted to exercise control over others. Rather, each Individual will bring their talents to the table and be given equal support to flourish in those talents. We will be trusted to self-police and not take advantage of our fellow man, especially the vulnerable. No longer will those with advanced knowledge of engineering, creativity, agricultural, biological or useful systems be forced down into places that limit their talents, where only a fragment of what they can offer is truly used or even heard or explored. No longer will doctors who understand how the body really functions be forced to follow unscientific or dangerous methods that do the very opposite of what the Hippocratic Oath demands, which is to do no harm. No longer will instructors or teachers be forced to follow a protocol that benefits the State, or some kind of technological behavioral change-methodology in children, but rather exploration of ideas and asking why things are the way they are and how those things can be improved, will be the foundation of a child’s education. No longer will researchers be demonized into obscurity or marginalized to the shadows.
In this profoundly new place that has existed within us since the beginning of time, Pluto in Aquarius now gives us the permission to grasp onto the complexities, magic, nuance and intuitive nature of our Human Selves, which truly is Freedom. Our bodies will be healthier for it and our minds stronger. For a decade and a half our bodies and minds have been motivated by Capricorn’s authoritarian fear patterns.
Today marks a profound moment, where we begin to turn away from those patters of abuse and embark on two decades of transforming out of fear and in to Self Awareness, Enlightenment, Human Connection and Respect and Love for Individuals.
A great desire to turn away from oppressive regimes and a necessity to finally once and for all abandon their conniving mastery at emboldening pain and suffering, is what awaits us. A sense of overwhelming joy and freedom from that constricted place that had us bound in chains pushes us through to the other side.
The tradition of operating through lies and deceit falls away, starting today and instead the People turn toward each other in a vast space of Honesty and Transparency, Hard Work and Innovation. We realize once and for all We never needed what We were always told We needed.
Embrace the Shift
Pluto is our planet of metamorphosis, evolution and transmutation. It relates to truth and power and identifying what’s going on beyond the surface. It explores the repressed and unconscious aspects of ourselves for the sake of conscious awareness, self-reclamation and empowerment. A planet of depth, it moves for the sake of vulnerability, intimacy and realness. It desires to strip away all that keeps us from experiencing authenticity with ourselves, others and life itself.
As the eleventh and penultimate sign of the zodiac, Aquarius is actually the final air sign, which means it deals with air-related concepts from a macro-perspective. Of all the zodiac signs, Aquarius is undoubtedly the most innovative, progressive, rebellious and humanitarian.
Pluto’s transit into Aquarius is a momentous occasion that will have a profound impact on humanity. It is a time of great Transformation, both individually and collectively. By embracing the challenges and opportunities presented by this transit, we can create a brighter future for Ourselves and for generations to come.
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