The Bible is pretend.
But you can believe it if you choose.
Viruses are real.
They’re everywhere and won’t kill you.
You don’t need to wear a mask. Like all religions
You can worship it if you choose.
Surveillance capitalism & human capital markets is slavery.
These are what is driving society.
Public lands and parks are being privatized.
This means it will be hard for you to enjoy life.
Corporations are telling government bodies what to do.
This is what’s happening with Dept of Education telling kids they have to mask up and sit away from other kids at school.
When corporations tell government what to do and the people have no vote in these policies and don’t benefit from these policies it’s not a democracy. It’s fascism.
All politicians in one way or another are compromised.
They won’t save you. They’re waiting for you to save yourself and then they’ll jump on board if it works for their political career.
Small businesses like restaurants and cafes and coffee shoppes don’t need to close or only offer take away.
They can remain open and conduct their business like normal. If they get a citation for conducting business like normal since there is no law or mandate the citation is about as effective as used toilet paper
If they don’t conduct business like normal it’s a personal choice , not a mandate or a law.
No one has ever provided proof of claim on SARS COV-2. It’s just gibberishey marketing campaigns, simulations and psychological shaming agendas
Malpractice has taken place.
Innocent murder of healthy people by forcing them on ventilators.
Long term and systemic abuse of the elderly is why old people are being kept away from families. They are being slowly murdered on purpose because old people tell the truth.
The world banks continue to flood debt peonage to global markets
You and your children don’t have a future
The invasive dangerous and fully fascist AI tracking needs 5G to operate. The people rolling out the surveillance come out of Silicon Valley (San Francisco) and China and India and Israel. They’re the nicest fascists you’ll ever meet
Some technology will not be seen in poor neighborhoods. It’ll converge and concentrate in cities like San Francisco New York chicago London
Poorer communities will be human stock (slaves) where companies make investments into schools for example and make profit on the existence of children
School is no longer about children learning anything. It’s about stockpiling them into a ledger to profit off their human life and experiences
Working simultaneously with non profits who will also benefit from the human stock
The children’s “future” is comprised of low paying jobs that will never lift them out of poverty
Each wedge issue like race, sexual orientation, mental health, women’s choice, religious choice, environmental causes will circulate and reinvent itself as the latest cause du jour
Never addressing poverty
The supply chain is breaking down but maybe not in ways you think.
Food should be self sourced and farms should be supported
If a company or store or business or school or transit agency has a mask policy they’re not allowed to ask you why you’re not wearing one. I’d advise to leave immediately and not give them your business. Also, HIPAA laws state you are protected from discrimination. After you leave and refuse them your business sue them for violations of the law and discrimination.
The goal is to put businesses that act like fascists out of business. It’s why the largest grocery chain in PA has a class action lawsuit against it
In transit agencies and corporate stores like target and wal Mart recognition software needs you to wear a mask so it can improve itself
If your school board votes to make the mask and social isolation a policy stop paying them your taxes and sue them for violations.
Don’t engage with unstable people. Whatever worldview they have you won’t convince them otherwise because virtue signaling, shaming campaigns, narcissism and sociopath have replaced authentic emotion.
If you’re an authentic person you will get eaten alive
So, Try to enjoy yourself.
Life is only going to get harder.
And, it’s never ever going back to what it was.
I didn’t create this diagram but some brilliant mind did. I would say make it to go viral.
Incidentally this was originally a Facebook post but was deleted for going against “community standards” – this is why we have our own blog site.