Dear Readers, Followers & Friends,
We will be podcasting once per week from now on in an official format on YouTube. We feel this will give a responsive, comprehensive overview of the week’s events, a sort of “check-in” while we continue to create our video essays.
Cultivating content for video essays takes time. This includes lots and lots of research for information and aesthetics, script re-writes, addressing inevitable tech glitches and giving the essay shape and definition.
We feel that it’s necessary to have at least one day a week where we keep our followers and subscribers apprised of next steps. Plus, being more accessible gives our team, you, an opportunity to comment about any future discussions or topics in video essays you’d like us to cover.
Book of Ours is our life’s work.
It’s grown in leaps and bounds over the years and really come into its own and is recognized as one of the better art channels that offers an informative, aesthetic experience on today’s topics and events.
We hope that after every video essay you watch you walk away feeling inspired, encouraged and strengthened in some way. Things are changing every day, and the psychological warfare is unending. It’s important you have the space to go that centers you and offers you sustenance somehow.
We are hoping to reach 20 total patrons on our Patreon page by July 3, 2020. Patreon exists for people just like us, media essayists and artists, and we are immensely honored for the patrons we have so far. By becoming a patron of the Arts, you can help us to make even better content and it helps us to survive in general. Please consider a monthly donation of $2.00 to make that happen! Go to . It is here that you will have early access to our work, before the public does.
Speaking of our work, we have completed our latest video essay, “The New Model: Communitarianism.” If you’d like to see it now, but aren’t ready to make the monthly commitment on Patreon, you can make a one time donation of $5.00 on our PayPal page and we will send you the link before its debut on Friday, July 3:
The teaser for “Communitarianism” was featured on David Whitehead’s channel last Saturday. We had a great chat with him and we were very honored to spend the afternoon with him. You can watch that near 3 hour conversation here to learn more about us:
In the meantime, please check out our debut of “Bookmark: A Weekly Book of Ours Podcast” – the newest addition to our channel. We welcome any feedback on Bookmark and once we gain enough subscribers on YouTube, we can transition into live weekly podcasts to recap the week’s events.