We are the creatives that have steadfastly opposed this global experiment. Violations of the Nuremberg Code take place every day before our eyes and we ask ourselves, “How is this even possible.”
When my friend Norma explained that she was at the store, just trying to simply purchase a few items, and someone had insisted she put a mask on her face and she gently reminded them that there is no law to enforce face coverings, but there is a law to protect her constitutional and human rights to not be forced to shield her face, someone rolled their eyes, shook their head and snarked, “There’s always one..”
This reminded me of a chat with some San Francisco friends back in 2016, after Trump was successfully installed. After eight years of pathological “Hope and Change,” one person wiped a gentle tear from her eye and said “I am going to miss him.”
And I said,
“You’re going to miss the person that singlehandedly codified the dismantling of Constitutional protections? The person who laughed about drone bombing American citizens, and then actually did drone bomb an American citizen? The person who cajoled the American working class – who felt they deserved affordable education and an increased minimum wage – to just be happy with their “half loaves”? Him? You’re going to miss him? You’re going to miss the guy that singlehandedly handed off the biggest chunk of the pie to special interests, mortgage houses, lending houses and banks while the unhoused population skyrocketed to the highest levels in human history at the time? You’re going to miss the guy that allowed for the military to use so many bombs that they actually ran out of bombs? You’re going to miss the guy that increased our war time efforts and unlawful military presence from two countries to seven, thus unlawfully, illegally and with zero accountability was successful in exterminating over 15 million souls off the planet? You’re going to miss the guy that mandated an unaffordable, paltry, shoddy healthcare program that acted as cover for the bailout of corporate insurance executives forcing millions of Americans to pay for something they couldn’t afford and the healthcare was third rate at best, and if they didn’t pay it they’d have to pay an additional $6,000-$12,000 in tax penalties? You are going to miss the guy that exploded the prison population? You are actually saying you’re going to miss the guy who pandered to his Secretary of State, and allowed her to regime change a once-thriving country that was considered the French Riviera of the Mediterranean and single handedly turned it into a horror show of violence and exploitation to the point of men being sold as chattel and body parts being sold off for food? You’re going to miss that guy?”
And the response I got from my “friends” who always claimed to be liberal, open minded, caring and concerned about equality and fairness was nothing more than a glib and chiding, “There’s always one in every room.”
When I pushed back at her snide response, dripping with privilege, this response that screamed how out of touch she was, I was chastised and told to keep my comments “polite.”
I think I just summed up why we are in the situation we are in now and why it has been One Year of Total Madness.
Never mind that the National Emergency – that was declared on March 13, 2020 – ultimately suspends the rule of law. This means that the gloves are off and everyone from your neighbor to Trader Joe’s to your doctor’s office to your employer can violate your human rights. Human rights violations can come in the form of school districts forcing your kid to wear a mask, thus depleting his oxygen levels to his brain, slowly eradicating his cognitive and learning function, to your employer insisting you take an experimental vaccine in order to keep your job.
Because along with the National Emergency in Perpetuity, you also have, in this Year of Total Madness the entire population shushing you for standing up for yourself when you offer fact-based, scientific evidence and even just obvious day-to-day evidence that there is no pandemic, there never was a pandemic and there wasn’t even a virus that was any different than the common cold.
You’re being shushed, silenced, fired, attacked, de-platformed, laughed at, abused, embarrassed, humiliated, lied to, hoodwinked, gaslit, turned into a PTSD’d dependent, told to be polite and what you need to survive is being withheld from you while you are being treated like a second class citizen because, in this Year of Total Madness, none of what is right or moral or good actually matters.
This is Total War in One Year of Total Madness. Total War only works with a loyal society that will wage battle on behalf of those who instigated Total War. Total War is war on your economy, war on your Constitution, war on your human rights and war on your human connections and experience, war on your healthcare system, war on your livelihoods, war on feeling safe like you can face another day without bread or income and war on feeling of use and a war on body sovereignty. (Here’s an example of war on body sovereignty: “I don’t want to wear a mask. It doesn’t seem right for me.” Response: “I don’t care. Do it anyway because I say so.”) And last but certainly not least, this is class war. Total War is Class War.
Liberals will always usher in fascism and fascism is always introduced through Class War. Mark posted a short video on his social media page. The video was of what seemed an impromptu music festival happening in Santa Cruz County in a bougie seaside community with stunning views of the Pacific Ocean below. There was a band playing and people were dancing and happy. Children were without masks and dancing to the music and people were strolling along the lovely path that overlooked the cliffs which jutted down to the ocean. Some people were standing around talking, drinking beer. One of his friends commented in solemn judgment, “I see people are without masks.” And, Mark, the owner of two homes, one of which is in this tony high tax bracket seaside community, said “Yes, that was disturbing to see.” The Obama/Clinton/Clinton voter feels disturbed that people are not succumbing to having medical interventions unlawfully imposed on them. The long haired, well paid Operations Manager at Intel feels that others should be as thoughtful as he is.
But, not to worry in this “closed society” as a result of One Year of Total Madness, not all liberals are willing to usher in fascism so quickly. There are a few out there that are very good at exposing the complicated Grand Reset that has been exposed in this Year of Total Madness. The underpinnings of this whole thing is supported by this garbage narrative of a pandemic. This whole thing, in this Year of Total Madness, is that every human life on earth will be used as chattel for a digitized society. It starts with the mask and it ends with Transhumanism, basically. And somewhere in between you need a vaccine to make it all happen. Volumes have been written about it, thousands of podcasters and educators and broadcasters have been screaming about it in this Year of Total Madness so if you’re not getting it after an entire year of information at your fingertips, then you never will. Some of these people offering this information are actually liberals and still live in privilege and aren’t affected by the One Year of Total Madness.
But, in this Year of Total Madness, most people are like us, concerned about how we shall make ends meet. There is no job. There is no opportunity. There is only this, this platform. This art. This creative energy we have channeled the only way we know how. We, and others like ourselves, who are trying to carve out an existence in this Year of Total Madness are met with this insistence that our existence come to a swift halt at the end of the fascist stick. We hear comments like “Money and the desire for money makes people stupid.” This kind of comment only comes from people who have money. Plus, this kind of comment comes from a place that we must treat this as if it’s just your same old same ole twentieth century Capitalism once again carving out another big chunk of opportunity for itself. This comment doesn’t have a place in Total War and shall not be accepted in the Year of Total Madness.
Jessica is a musician and is trying to come up with a way to effectively sue her governor for initiating unconstitutional acts which have caused her loss of income. To respond with “Money and the desire for money makes people stupid,” is an inappropriate response when Jessica, myself and my husband and most of my friends are wondering how they are going to make ends meet as a result of One Year of Total Madness.
This is not just Capitalism. This is a monster that is borne from Capitalism, borne out of a public that cheers and champions their leaders and wipes away gently falling tears when war criminals and fascists who laid the groundwork for Total War, finally say goodbye and wander silently away into their private islands or mansions of peaceful contemplation, their dutiful managers soulfully waving goodbye as the sun sets on the last days of their tyranny with a little “t.”
This is One Year of Total Madness and Total War, fiercely brought forth now by Tyranny with the big “T” and it is where society has been left to wrestle and fight and claw to simply exist. This is not just Capitalism. This shit is medieval. Class war and the war on humanities and the war on human life itself is waged so fiercely and yet, this war has become so passively accepted and normalized that very few in America are fighting it.
Only some seem to recognize this horror show that greets us every single day.
Are we enough? Or is One Year of Total Madness going to turn into Madness for Life?
book of ours are working artists and could really use your help. By becoming a patron at www.patreon.com/bookofours you can help support us as we continue to archive history in unique and creative ways through our video essays. You can find all of our work at http://www.youtube.com/bookofours and our back-up channel at book of ours backup on YouTube. The artists can be reached at info@book-of-ours.com
Join us this Saturday March 13, 2021 from 7pm – 9pm Eastern Time. We will be going live to discuss this past year of our lives.