We are meeting with Kilgore Rand tonight at 7pm Eastern Time. Kilgore runs the platform “I Do Not Comply.” You can check out his website here: https://www.idonotcomply.org and follow his Facebook page “I Do Not Comply.” We anticipate it being a lively and in depth discussion of the following:
There are 4 wars happening in congruence. On January 6, 2021 there was a convergence of these wars.
We are experiencing an existential war on humanity (1), a currency war (2), class war (3) and war in the South China Seas (4).
The existential war on humanity has been the focus of thousands of podcasters, concerned citizens, bloggers, rogue journalists and even in some cases, state actors pretending to be journalists. We have all spoken at length, in our own way, of this existential crisis: what it now means to be a human being. How we view humanity is being changed rapidly as we all are supposed to treat each other as biological terrorists, harboring a secret pathogen that just by sneezing or hugging could murder our fellow man. If this doesn’t define an existential war on what it means to be human, then I don’t know what does.
The currency war is reshaping how we value currency. Currency has evolved and changed over the years. For the longest time we have been issuing fiat currency. This is the equivalent of currency growing on trees with nothing of value, like labor or gold, to back it up. This fiat system is collapsing the world. As a result, the idea of currency and what it is has to re-calibrated and reversed. Human beings and their energy, their health status, their social credit score and their behavior online and offline is now the currency that will keep the system running. The new currency is human capital, also known as slavery.
Class war is when certain members of the population are given privileges and a meritocracy and other members of the population are kept away from those same privileges and opportunities. There is an increased divide between the classes since the National Emergency was declared on March 13, 2020, where corporations were given funding while the small business infrastructure in the United States was told it had to shutter or face fines. The introduction of technology, opportunity zones and third sector agencies (government backed non profits and wrap around services) has seen an explosion on our class terrain over the last few months. These services can only exist as long as humans remain in poverty. When agencies, technology, services and institutions can only exist when large portions of society remain poor, this is class war. Embedded within this structure is legislative language that cements this further immiseration of lives.
The final war is the war in the South China Seas. Hunter Biden and Chris Heinz acted as the front puppets for Joe Biden and John Kerry to invest in Chinese military technology. Global investors took this cue and jumped in. After all, China keeps outperforming as the global economic leader. It makes sense that investors want a piece of this pie. In 2017, then Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, former CEO of Exxon, was screaming for China to leave the South China Seas. This bellicose rhetoric escalated throughout mainstream press during the Inauguration of Donald Trump as President of the United States. Clearly Rex, and (we can assume) the Military Industrial Complex, which is historically backed by Big Oil, wants access to the South China Seas which is rich in oil. The increased agitation of China’s refusal to leave the South China Seas has come to a boiling point.
This came about as the ongoing tensions between China and Taiwan escalated
(Remember when Trump called Taiwan to congratulate them on their new leader? Was this a message that if there ever were tensions in the South China Seas that our military would respond on behalf of Taiwan?)
The outward response to this tension is for the US Military to occupy the South China Seas in the interest of protecting our allies. That’s what you’ll hear if state media can ever stop responding to TikTok videos and virtue signaling their propaganda over escalated cases of a disease that’s based on computer models. What’s really happening is Big Oil is tired of waiting for their investments to pay off and want that oil – now. And Big Military is in service to Big Oil.
Meanwhile, you now have China operating the port at Haifa. This means China, still occupying the South China Seas where it can use those seas’ passageways to dominate the trade industry in that region, now also has access to the Mediterranean and can dominate those passageways in that region as well.
This also means that the purchased Chinese military technology that we see rolling out can be used all across the Middle East. Israel, who has its own brand of military technology can now also use the Chinese technology that they’ve invested in to further dominate the region.
The United Staes 6th fleet has historically been docked at the Port of Haifa in Israel. But, what kind of message does it send to our NATO allies if we continue docking at a port now under China’s operational control? Incidentally, when China won the bid for control of the Port of Haifa is when Italy suddenly locked down and their cruise industry could not let their passengers off-board. My suspicion is that the United States made assertions that China had escalated tensions by taking control over the port of Haifa and suggested Italy lock down its citizens and vessels because China could now dock their own military ships at the Port and put Italy, which is direct sight of the Port of Haifa, at risk.
In other words, Italy didn’t lock down their country because of a pathogen that came from a computer program. They locked down their country because the US told them China was going to send a message to our NATO ally (Italy) and show their military strength. This is laughable since the United States is the military powerhouse of the world.
Global interests including central banks, tech companies, governments and everyone in between have invested in China’s technology and are rolling it out all across the world. Meanwhile, global oil interests want access to their investments in the South China Seas and is counting on the United States to help them get it, but China occupying the South China Seas is in the way.
It is our opinion that state leaders throughout the globe who announced through the press that they had contracted a deadly pathogen and must quarantine for 14 days was used as cover for their de-briefing. After all, we witnessed a sharp change in behavior after they emerged from their quarantine. Some, who went into “quarantine” believing in the scientific proof of herd immunity emerged as conspiracy theorists, announcing that locking in a healthy society was the only way to keep safe from a computer generated pathogen.
It is our opinion that the poorly performed and badly executed theater of January 6 was not only pre-recorded and streamed as if it were live, but an excuse to pass the Domestic Terrorism Protection Act of 2020.
It is also our opinion that the Defense Production Act, invoked on March 19, 2020, which is historically invoked during war time efforts, was in fact invoked for the war with the South China Seas, and possibly war with Iran. For four years the Military Industrial Complex, with Big Oil breathing down its neck had been waiting for Trump to give them an excuse to go to war. They were tired of waiting so the DPA was invoked at the height of this mounting pressure.
The theater of January 6, 2020 also acted as cover for the Military Industrial Complex to whisk Trump away as Commander in Chief to sign the orders for the US Maritime military occupation of the South China Seas. This would directly undermine any deals that Biden/Kerry/global investors made with China when China released their technology. The conversation may have gone something like this: “If we give you our military technology, we want you to stop telling us to leave the South China Seas.” In order for Trump to quietly and covertly sign off on this US occupation of the South China Seas, there needs to be a huge distraction and he must do it quickly before the Democrats find a way to keep him from signing this Military Order. Bloviating “impeachment!” and “Insurrection!” and throwing around Article 25 is a good way to strip Trump of his role as Commander in Chief and keep him from signing any military orders.
In conclusion, this might feel like a “Chinese Communist Takeover” but it’s not. Your government is working in conjunction with investors and Big Business to integrate purchased technology into our human existence. It might matter on some level who sold the technology to your government but the fact that it’s being used to hurt you for its benefit is what’s important. And although you may not quite understand what the currency war is about, I can assure you that turning human beings into capital markets is the sign of some sick times. Last, if you think the current war in the South China Seas doesn’t affect you, it does. In fact, if it didn’t affect you, you’d be hearing about it in headlines and on your 6 o’clock news. But you’re not hearing about it and like all wars, it’s affecting you in ways you may not be aware of.
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