One of the issues I have with Americans in general is that they willingly lead themselves into a false paradigm, or into a false state of assumption that democracy exists in this country. Every administration has whittled away at our democratic values and ushered in the next administration in order to whittle away at them even more until there’s nothing left and I would have to say that in this administration and in this century and in this year we are living in a false democratic paradigm, or false democracy.
We don’t have anything left. We don’t have any semblance of true freedom left and one of the ways the state has whittled away at those freedoms is through keeping a large swath of the population incredibly poor. They don’t need to pass martial law which is basically things like curfews, limitations on movement, and making it impossible to fly anywhere without jumping through massive hoops. Things like that. Also, having the right kind of papers and the right kind of documentation and ID is another example of martial law. So, they don’t necessarily have to do that, pass marshal law that is. They’re going there anyway with this REAL ID system that’s come up. But, the fact is that by keeping 60% – 70% of the population in a constant state of economic strain, or poverty, and that perpetuity of trying to “catch up,” nobody has the means or even the thought of flying on an airplane anywhere or really going anywhere. No one can afford the luxury to not remain a slave to debt peonage. All they’re thinking about is their day to day expenses and their day to day needs being met.
So, that was a brillIant way of enacting and passing martial law, a very insidious and underhanded way of passing it, without actually having to pass it officially.
So, what we have now is the press secretary Sarah Sanders coming out in front and insinuating martial law and lifting habeus corpus, and posse comitatus is necessary in order to push back against the caravan of refugees. Well, the fact is that if you know anything about recent history, the 9/11 incident and all the incidents that took place after 9/11, such as the Iraq invasion, were campaigns already in place. In order to fulfill those campaigns, habeus corpus had to be lifted and a re-writing of the Constitution had to take place and so the Bush Doctrine came in and usurped it, or it was temporarily put in place of the Constitution.
We were told by the talking heads and the state that it was going to be a temporary installation (the Bush Doctrine). The Bush Docrine was basically the temporary lifting of habeus corpus and temporary violations of the Posse Comitatus Act. Posse Comitatus was passed in 1878 and it does not allow for the local police to act on behalf of the military. They want to lift that so that the local police can act on behalf of the military. We also have shadow players like Eric Prince murmuring in Donald Trump’s ear, at least three or four years ago he was, suggesting things like bringing back the Phoenix Program, which is the disappearing and capturing of citizens without any due process.
The Phoenix Program is the equivalent of those private rehabilitation centers that parents hire. They kidnap your rebellious teenager in the dead of night and disappear them without any outside contact for 3 months in order to scare them straight and program them into obedience. These are things that really do happen. There are multiple stories of adults who had been victimized by these child snatching organizations and the children, now adults, have spoken out against these unregulated tactics, and speak openly about the lasting trauma through “scared straight” disciplinarian techniques that their parents paid to have done to them.
This is what the State wants to do to us. And, I find it fascinating that the conversation once again keeps leaning into and getting sucked down into the false representative democracy paradigm. You guys just can’t help it.
“If we vote this person in then all of this will change.” As I’ve said before, with each administration comes more and more of a whittling away of our autonomy. Your entire life proves, your entire existence on this planet proves, that statement I just made: Each administration whittles away your autonomy more and more. What makes you think this next installation will be any different. It’s getting to the point where I have to start showing some tough love. Before, I was like “Ok well maybe they just need to be patiently guided into reality.” But now, it’s like, “Look I really have to be tough on you. The false paradigm of hope without anything of substance to back up that hope, that infantilization and coddling you’ve cocooned yourself in is looking pathetic. Americans are becoming pathetic through their apathy. You’ve got to wake up out of your coma and realize the only thing that is going to redistribute your power and autonomy back to you is direct democracy, and mutual aid. And not representative democracy AND not falling for the false paradigm of the electoral process.”
We already know that those that are in charge of our electoral process, like Alex Padilla for example, have a long list of electoral fraud lawsuits filed against them. Having these fraudsters function as the watchdogs of our electoral process is like the fox watching the hen house. We already know that the Department of Homeland Security controls the outcome of our elections. That doesn’t sound like a democracy. We know that these three letter agencies, the DHS included, operate outside of the Constitution. They operate outside of a democracy or democratic state. You’ve got people that are operating against your best interest that are controlling the election infrastructure of this country. So what part of that sentence makes you think that we live in a democracy. Or that we live in any kind of functioning electoral process. Is it just that I, a middle aged woman, sitting in my kitchen in my nearly 100 year old house in the middle of West Pittsburgh, PA, am aware of all this? Surely there are others that understand the things I do. It can’t just be me that understands, for example, the Bush Doctrine, which was used to temporarily suspend the Constitution. Temporarily. But then what happened was a Constitutional lawyer was required to make the Bush Doctrine permanent legislation. So that’s why we got Barack Obama. How convenient that he was a Constitutional lawyer, which means he could pass things like the Smith Mundt Modernization Act which makes it legal to propagandize and made it a requirement for all corporate media to lie to you. So most of what you see coming out of corporate media outlets is an out and out lie in order to manipulate your sense of critical thought.
This kind of mind manipulation was once illegal. Now it is legal. The NY Times lies. And NPR is even required to lie to you. NPR is on record for pulling a very good interview they did with Dr. Cynthia McKinney, a black doctor, female, who ran on the Green Party ticket for President of the United States. Because she said that peace was a legitimate foreign war tactic they never aired the interview. This is an example of their requirement to follow the Smith Mundt Modernization Act. Despite that this commentary from Dr. McKinney would surely have upset NPR’s financial backers with ties to the war industry, it also shows their required allegiance to propaganda. If they had allowed her interview to air, and the message that peace is a legitimate tactic then the interviewer, the producer of the show and any others involved would all have lost their jobs for they would have acted against federal law which requires them to propagandize.
I recently had someone challenge me on this. They told me that my statement that corporate media journalists are required to propagandize was my own personal assessment and not based in any kind of reality. This is absurd. If something is stamped into existence as Federal law, then we don’t have a choice but to obey that law. It’s not like we say “Well, Federal law is there just for show. We’re going to do what we want anyway with no consequence.” This person’s inability to grasp how pernicious our Federal laws are and how they work against us, from the way we think which ultimately affects the way we behave, is an example of the infantile nature that our country has lapsed into.
I fail to understand where the disconnect is. It’s the same thing with the suspension of habeus corpus. Obama already lifted it. So this rhetoric you’re interpreting from the Press Secretary insinuating that they’re going to lift habeus corpus and Posse Comitatus in order to push back against the caravan of refugees is entirely false. It’s already happened. Obama signed that legislation into permanent existence in order for the next administration to put it to use and that is exactly what we have right now. Trump has every right to bloviate how he’s sending the military to the “border” to push back the “dangerous” caravans of refugees.
Chris Hedges, along with a group of military veterans filed a lawsuit against the Barack Obama administration for violations of habeus corpus and for Section 1021 of the National Defense Authorization Act. So why is that I know all this and I’m talking about it and this is my reasonable response to the issues coming up and these incredibly intelligent podcasters who are obviously informed about the way the world works choose to respond in childish surprised dialogue that the Trump administration is going to lift habeus corpus in order to push back against these refugees and they squeak, “What about Posse Comitatus!” and all that stuff. Obama already lifted it. You know this. It’s why, as a Constitutional lawyer, he was installed. Just because the media never covered any story to prove that it was already in place, and now they are covering stories about the possibility of it being lifted, doesn’t mean that it’s not ALREADY lifted. We don’t have habeus corpus. It’s already been lifted and now the door is wide open to welcome things like fascism, tyranny against the tax payers, suspension of our autonomous rights, and suspension of the Constitution.
The door is wide open for the Trump administration to walk through and start putting into action what Obama legally made possible. That is what’s going on. And people don’t seem to get that. In order for the next administration to come along and pretend as if they are ameliorating or acting as the good parent that will swoop in and save us all, all these things have to be put in place: the rise of the prison population, for instance. And the state is going to have to do some very oppressive things in order to scare the shit out of us to make us compliant and obedient. Fear is a motivating factor. It keeps us from fighting back. For fighting the state could lead to jail time, or being shot in the street by the militarized police or circling into poverty because the possibility of a career has suddenly eluded you.
This current administration has to come in and get really nasty in order for the next one to come along and be the thing that acts as our savior. And we have completely lost our critical thought at this point. We will have forgotten how we got here in the first place. The only way to install a representative that will act in your best interest, or engage in representative democracy that will work for you and will usher back in actual civil and autonomous rights (freedom), is to engage in a system of direct democracy that forces representatives to be intimidated by you.
We’ve gotten so far away from what we know we are. There is an art community in New York that is releasing videos about economic injustice and the loss of our critical thinking skills. For instance, there is a video called “Obama Baroque”, and it uses the “Gossip Girl” template to talk about how we were being duped by the gossipy catch phrases in social media and ad campaigns to anesthetize us to the realities of our financially collapsed world. They were feeding us sugary cake, which increases our dopamine levels and causes the same kind of addiction and reaction that the body would have to cocaine, because there was nothing of nutritional or moral value left in our decimated culture.
This is the culmination of the Obama Administration: an unattainable Versailles-like lifestyle, where in truth we have to pick at the carcass of decaying wealth equality, a superficial and self glamorizing world of cognitive dissonance and detachment scenarios. Free social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram made you the star of your own reality tv show and every photo you snapped and uploaded onto those platforms and every place you checked into and every comment you made about politics or culture or anything at all was a spying program created by our corporate masters, funded by think tanks and run by the military to further learn how to control you. We had an opportunity once to take ownership of the internet for a nominal fee. But think tanks and focus groups said, “There is no way Americans will pay for digital control over their own lives. They want everything for free.” And they were right.
Rather than adulting, and accepting the unhealthy laws that were passed and the financial ruin of our country as a result of the Bush/Clinton/Bush/Obama era war like tactics waged against us, we were given platters and platters of sugary sweets in the form of our digital presence to distract us and turn us into lazy, self indulgent, spoiled children who scream at and scapegoat people like me, for instance, who dump that huge dose of stinky reality onto your Instagram platter. Your world, as you know it, is an illusion and only some of us seem to get this.
Rather than sit uncomfortably with the knowledge that Barack Obama’s administration has unlocked and removed the door of democracy, and removed the hinges and now there is a huge doorway left wide open for the Trump administration to waltz right in and legally engage in fascism, we sit engaged on our phones or we are kept busy with tedious acts of representative democracy, pressured on by Hollywood elites to “get out the vote.” Those that sit at the feet of corporate power, who are psychopathic in nature, and who want nothing more than to imprison and enslave the masses, have been given a wide berth, permissible by us, because we didn’t want to believe the first black President would ever usher in such tyranny against us and wage war against us.
This is a hard stark reality that a lot of people refuse to believe and they don’t seem to envision the depth and breadth of that truth. People like Naomi Wolf do though. She has seen the atrocities first hand and even warned of it during the Bush Administration. I think she visited Guantanamo Bay once by accident. You should listen to that story. It’s chilling. And incredibly revealing. They didn’t realize they were allowing this well known journalist to walk through the halls of Guantanamo Bay where she witnessed the psychopathic nature of our overlords first hand. Men, without trial or due process, were being tortured, abused, mocked, shamed, ridiculed, physically and psychologically broken down. Dr. Jeffrey Kaye has done extensive research on this and has even gone to court on behalf of these victims. After visiting Guantanamo Bay, Dr. Wolf suddenly had her rights rescinded. She was on a Federal no fly list. She was harassed. She put herself in grave danger as a legit journalist. We have to take up that same mantle. I know a lot of us aren’t journalists or doctors. We sit in comfy cozy happy little unknowing lives where nothing bad happens because the suspension of autonomy doesn’t affect our day to day lives, or so we think. We say to ourselves in apology for the pernicious over reach of the state, “Well I have nothing to hide so let them see everything.” However, it’s a proven fact that when you know you are being watched your behavior changes. This active decision to change your natural behavior out of fear or knowledge of being watched is not freedom. It’s control over your mind, your existence, your human nature. It’s control over your autonomy.
Because of this war on fear, and you, in your lifetime you may see armed guards walking up and down your street and you may go “Wait a minute. When did this start? Or why haven’t I seen a child riding a bicycle in years? Why is food intake rationed? Or since when was there a police presence at my farmers market?” Suddenly these strange things will pop up slowly and it’s not like you’re going to wake up one day and suddenly see that you’re in Orwell’s “1984” where you have no rights or freedoms, and the state is an ever present oppressive voice of Big Brother that’s on the loudspeakers.
I’ve been to towns that live like that. Grosse Pointe, Michigan is captured by fear with brutal disruptive architecture to keep the citizens of Grosse Point protected from the nefarious evil-doing villainous citizens of Detroit. They have a loudspeaker installed on their small town street that pumps out cringey “white people music” like Steely Dan and the Eagles. This was weird and creepy to me. I’m just saying that in order to push back against this and keep ourselves from heading into that fully we must engage in direct democracy and mutual aid.
As a society we have lost our ability to engage in real critical thought, we’ve allowed that matter in our brain that holds critical thought to turn to mush, and we have lost the capacity for memory because of the digital distractions from corporate and social media. And, we are in a constant feedback loop of fear fear fear fear. Fear the guns. Fear the mentally ill. Fear the men. This fear campaign wrecks havoc on your stress factors in your brain and if not healthy, or of sound mind, and if kept in denial about the weekly fear mongering as a tactic to distract and weaken you, you may become the thing they want you to fear. We conveniently don’t remember the outrage that most of us had when it was proposed we engage in a destabilization campaign against Iraq. We’ve forgotten that. We were horrified then and we should be more horrified now. Because of this we are not just tip toe-ing into this kind of tyrannical control, we are actively rushing toward it full speed ahead. By disengaging in ways that matter, and engaging in things that don’t, like our theater of electoral politics, we are actively pushing ourselves further and further into that dystopian nightmare.
In some ways you can’t fight it, you have to evolve into it naturally, or unnaturally as some people think, especially with the advancements in robotics taking over our natural world. There’s a lot to pack in here in this piece. I know it. The frustrating thing to me is to see the wisdom of certain podcasters and the knowledge that they bring to the table about how the system works only to get sucked right back into the conversation, the gibberish of representative democracy when your entire life has shown that administrations circle back into the whittling away of our autonomy and the next administration whittles away at it even more.
Again, the Bush Doctrine was temporarily blanketed over the Constitution and kind of stomped it out temporarily. It was installed in the interest of the war on terror. In order for that temporary suspension, which left our Constitution hanging on by a thread, to be permanent we installed Barack Obama, a Constitutional lawyer who clipped away that thread and turned the Bush Doctrine into permanent legislation. And then he left. He left the door wide open and he took the locks and door off the hinges and he left a gaping maw for this administration to stomp right through and legally pass laws, for instance allowing local militarized police to further suspend our freedoms.
All administrations work together in tandem and you are sitting in that room with that door wide open and you now know that you’re left vulnerable to the violent acts of the state. Leave that room. Leave it as if your life depended on it. Leave it because if you don’t, your children and your children’s children will be choked into subservience of all the nightmarish things that take place in that room. Ask any Holocaust survivor.
Now find another one. And that room is called mutual aid and direct democracy. And in that room you literally turn your back on representative democracy. No gods. No masters. No hierarchy. No saviors. No slaves. If you live in that paradigm and that very real acceptance of reality, no longer infantilized with this idea that some wealthy representative with a slick ad campaign is going to save you, and your feet are firmly planted on the ground, you won’t feel as vulnerable to the impending violence of the state. It starts with acceptance in your mind. Once it’s rooted in your mind, your body will follow and acts of mutual aid and direct democracy will be as natural as heading to the voting booth.
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