It’s clear a particular social media platform doesn’t want anyone talking about the only thing that anyone should be talking about: the murdering and maiming of individuals on a scale the global human race has never seen. We’re not being anecdotal. Insurance companies are having conniption fits because they now have to pay out benefits claims and are losing money hand over fist. Nobody, not even your best social media influencer, wants to hear this or even talk about it.
But because we do talk about it, one administrator for one of our social media pages is on a 24 hour ban from posting *anything* on this page or even his own. And the other administrator has been banned from posting or engaging (commenting) on his own page and this page, indefinitely. It wasn’t until we started to boldly, openly, speak of the democide that we were once again under the radar.
We also know that whistleblowers who have bigger platforms than we do, have been the subject of conversation between the White House and social media heads. Their names have come up in conversation in relation to doing anything necessary, outside of arresting them under The Espionage Act (we have the Julian Assange story to thank for this little draconian law), to keep them from being heard.
We were speaking frankly to some people last night. We were talking, in real life, about the scale of the death and maiming of the human population with what seems to be concentrations on Western society. After all, Australia has their own staggering data points they are trying to reconcile: a calculated rise of death and disability that has far outpaced past statistical data.
In this frank conversation, we made an unpopular assumption which may lose us followers: that all narrative-making in the age of Covid is a distraction and an energy suck designed to overshadow or downplay the deployment of a Chinese owned bio weapon that has caused the mostly Western global population untold death and maiming. And we mean all narrative-building:
ESG goals can be worked around and the actual implementation of the goals are moving at a snail’s pace compared to the rapid fire murder of humans at a scale we’ve never seen.
It was concluded among the people involved in the real-life conversation that the Nordstream pipeline incident and subject of it seems more political, and one person even said “How do we even know the explosions are real?” After all, it’s fair game on social media when anyone can curate images to look like anything. This feels more like political hay and political theater to once again pull the attention away from a mass democide at the hands of big government, small government, corporations and everyone in between. Even churches are complicit in this global scaled-up, actual crime through injections.
And, we discussed the situation with Russia and Ukraine. It is not Ironic that this topic trended right around the time the data of the dead was being collected. Also not ironic that the manufactured Ukraine and Russia (Donbas region) images, videos, statements and emotional pleas and analogies of it all started to dominate news feeds and social media feeds, clouding the judgment of users, at the same time that a judge in the United States ordered transparency in the Pfizer BioNTech documents after the FDA submitted a court approved request to keep these very disclosures from the public for 75 years.
Uncomfortably discussed too, was the clownish attempts to distract from this very real slaughter of innocent souls with the language around trans teachers or trans individuals influencing children. User adults in social media rooms seem to be more affected by these trending curated images than the children themselves who know when something is being cynically used, allegedly for their benefit. Instead of shrieking about what their little minds may be suggested into believing, perhaps these users should explain to the children they are so worried about that Xi Jinping and the vice grip corporate interests have on our very souls is the worst threat humanity has ever faced. After all, do you see actual evidence of an indoctrination into trans ideology at your school? If you actually do and don’t want your child part of this indoctrination, then there are ways to opt out of those classes. But, it’s difficult to opt out of death and maiming.
Having these uncomfortable conversations about the pink winged elephant in the room – not enough people are talking about – is not supposed to make you feel better. It’s not supposed to satisfy you, make you feel safe or help you sleep at night. It’s not supposed to encourage you to put your faith in the mythical idea of The White Hat. After all you’re the white hat in this situation.
We’re tired of making excuses, apologizing, being told what to think, about anything, smugly being dismissed because of who we are, we’re fending off attacks from rabid fans of social media influencers who should have never been put in that position and we’re of course irritated with the fact that not enough people are capable of looking mass democide squarely head-on. They are not brave enough to face this gruesome reality and this is disappointing to see, to say the least. This will offend fans of Xi Jinping and this will offend fans of vaccines. Oh well. What sort of world would we live in if we worried daily about who we offended? Would it look something like China, who has forced over one million of their middle class State representatives to denounce themselves publicly for alleged crimes they never committed against their beloved State? These were one million people who had decent incomes and comfortable middle class lives, now living in poorer conditions due to the unfounded accusation that they were traitors to China.
I can’t speak for other countries but the country I live in, the USA, has been captured. Millions of empty seats are where bodies used to sit. And, according to the data, it’s only going to get worse. Some even hypothesize that the life expectancy of US citizens has gone from age 74 to age 53. The criminals who have committed these crimes against innocent human souls will go unpunished, whether it’s Anthony Fauci or your elementary school lunch lady who innocently encourages children to get their vaccine, and all are complicit and all should be removed from their positions and marched out of their homes in handcuffs and dealt with appropriately. But that’s not going to happen. The scale is too big. The democide too far reaching. We don’t have the court system or even enough jails to hold these people until a trial can be conducted. So I suppose their indictment has to come from us. We just freeze them out in our hearts. Allow our imagination to believe they are held captive somehow and can no longer do harm. And the best thing we could possibly do is fully live the life we’ve been given. Allow our hearts and minds to be free of influencers, trending stories and stay focused on the fact that we have survived this far.
This is not going away. China has been able to influence democracies and ways of life in European countries and has demolished economies due to their trade deals and desire to be a global economy. They have influenced the United States too. This has transitioned from an ideological war or existential crisis to something far more sinister: a genocide by a bio weapon to which China owns the intellectual property. As someone in army intelligence recently told me, we’ve simply opened the door and handed over everything.
And it will take generations to get it back.
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