I produced an in-depth creative assessment of the mining of children’s behavior in schools. This side gig production explained the launching of the human into lifelong learning habits and choices where programs, markets, stakeholders, wrap around services and investors will see profit based on those specific interactions and behaviors.
The Center for PBIS (Positive Behavioral Interventions and Support) has focused their grant funding in a targeted market by associating their programs through support from the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs and Office of Elementary and Secondary Education.
Specifically, The Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP)establishes the infant human through age 21 as special needs, thus determining their status for a lifetime, possibly making them eligible for social security disability benefits or stipends and the various services that come with the status.
Behavioral markets in schools spend a good deal of investment through time and training (and funding) to promote opportunities for wellness, fostering a sense of satisfaction rather than accommodating for systemic problems such as the unstable living situations often described in Opportunity Zones.
Exercises in digital badge learning in education are confirmed pointers that indicate individual success, abilities and skills, and interest in different learning settings. Rather than focus on retention of information presented, such as dates of specific wars and the surrounding ideology in a historical context that would promote critical thinking analysis of why we have wars in the first place, it rather focuses on rewarding the child for a basic, rudimentary understanding that there was indeed, a war.
The digital badge levels are tied in with the behavioral market. The behavioral market exists in the first place under the auspices of trauma or special needs accommodation (see OSEP). Targeting Opportunity Zones and low income communities, PBIS focuses efforts on labeling humans in these zones as special needs, where government funded non profit pathways are invested in as a space for growth and opportunity potential and equity.
Data domination has curated earning potential in a market that has carved a new niche for itself with the help of PBIS and various other behavioral centers. Calculating human behavior through the data collection has disrupted earning potential once seen in standardized education. Marketing PBIS to Opportunity Zones engenders a sense of urgency for parents to keep children safe from targeting by police, gangs or general acts of violence.
Meticulous records kept in the mining of behavioral data will then help to pathway out what the human can afford in regards to access to housing, higher education and medical interventions. This explosive market has benefited from preparing children for entrance into planned communities, possible response-measures in an ESG working environment and creates trust and dependency on analytical systems, often controlled by AI. Removing independent notion or an existence of opportunity supports data-centric speculation often funded through grant programs, education tools in companies and commercialization of this desirable data-based outcome.