Here is an email I received from my former boss at Another Planet Entertainment: (we no longer live in CA but we are still on the email list):
Dear Julie/JP:
“One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain.” Bob Marley
WELCOME BACK!! What a wild ride the last year+ has been (and still is), but we are starting to come out of it and the MUSIC is coming back! I hope that you, your families, friends and loved ones are doing well and ready to start the healing and return to all the things we love. I am going to have a lot of information to share with you over the coming weeks about upcoming shows and festivals but I wanted to get some logistics surrounding our return out so we can start the process of getting going again.
First thing I need to do is ask everyone getting this email that is still interested in working with Another Planet to log into the Volunteer Scheduler Pro (VSP) portal. Doing so will allow me see who is still in the area and wanting to work with APE. Over the next few weeks, I will likely do some housecleaning and go into the system to delete out any names that have not logged in, so PLEASE take a moment and log in. If you have any difficulties or need any help doing so, please let me know and I am happy to assist. I am also going to use this time to gather some new folks that would like to work with us. If you have friends or family or family friends, please send me their full names/ email addresses and I will get them added to the group.
Next is the road map to getting there…
Please be Advised:
California has issued “Beyond The Blueprint” guidelines which will go into effect June 15th. Included in these guidelines are the details we have been eagerly awaiting for live events! At this point, we expect that all venues, indoor and outdoor, will be able to operate at 100% capacity after June 15th. We are reviewing the State guidelines and designing protocols and procedures that are in line with APE standards.
So now… for the words we have been dreaming of writing to you. LET’S GET BACK TO WHAT WE LOVE – IT’S SHOW TIME!
HOWEVER, FIRST WE NEED YOUR HELP! In an effort to provide and maintain a safe and healthy workplace, the following Health Pass Policy & Venue Entry Requirements have been adopted to safeguard the health and well-being of all staff and their families as well as artists and fans.
Health Pass Policy & Venue Entry Requirements at these Another Planet Venues: The Greek Theatre, The Bill Graham Civic Auditorium, and The Fox Theater
As of June 21st Another Planet Venues will require all those entering the venue to check in via the CLEAR HEALTH PASS.
This is afree app in which you can upload your vaccination card or a recent negative COVID-19 test. We will have more information coming in the form of user guides shortly.
In the meantime, please also be advised of the following timeline:
Beginning JULY 12th until further notice – APE venues will only allow fully vaccinated* staff to enter the venues. Any other accommodations will be made on a case by case basis. In the case that you need to request an accommodation please reach out to me directly to discuss.
*People are considered fully vaccinated 2 weeks after their second dose in a 2-dose series, such as the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines, or 2 weeks after a single-dose vaccine, such as Johnson & Johnson’s Janssen vaccine.
I will be communicating with you in advance on any scheduled work so you will have an opportunity to discuss any questions/comments or concerns you may have.
We are trying to bring all of our venues back online as soon as possible. In preparation, please go get vaccinated and continue to check the APE website for the latest show schedule.
Boss & All your friends at Another Planet
Here’s where the Yellow Star comes in:
Another Planet Entertainment, LLC, while requiring an FDA-approved vaccination against Covid 19 infection or a negative test within 72 hours of the individual’s shift, does not discriminate against or harass employees or job applicants on the basis of a protected characteristic, provides reasonable accommodations related to disability or sincerely-held religious beliefs or practices, and does not retaliate against anyone for engaging in protected activity such as requesting a reasonable accommodation.
I can almost guarantee that anyone who cannot accommodate the “Clear Health Pass” protocol will have separate entries to the venues. They may be required to come earlier. They may be relegated to outside, keeping in mind the only reason to work these shows is to see a free concert. They may be required to wear some kind of face covering to indicate they don’t have the covid shot or have not taken a covid-19 test. Why don’t you just put a yellow star on me and call it a day?
This is a follow up to my previous blog post:
On November 12, 2020 Julie went live on our Book of Ours Community and Art page on Facebook and talked about future expectations in the concert going experience. It looks like she was pretty much on the mark:
book of ours are working artists and could really use your help. By becoming a patron at or subscribing to you can help support us as we continue to archive history in unique and creative ways through our video essays. You can find all of our work at and our back-up channel at book of ours backup on YouTube. The artists can be reached at
I finally got around to reading the letter that APE sent to you. It is so, so, so sickening! I cannot even fathom the mindset of the person who is sooo excited about ‘getting back to what we love’, and then dropping the Clear Health Pass bomb. Julie sure nailed it back in November last year with the Experience Industrial Complex video.