“Healthy immune system is paramount here in limiting the effects across society. Which requires solidarity and security not isolation and economic hardship.” Molly Klein, Heiress
Can the wealthiest among us really truly grasp the gravity of this statement?
In some countries the elderly, who are in nursing homes kept from their families, are not being treated for the common cold. The staff are told not to treat them!
This is fascism: letting the weaker people among us die even though you could treat them like you always have.
Keeping the elderly from their families for two weeks or more is what’s going to kill them. Not the coronavirus.
Will the nurses and caretakers revolt & disobey orders and treat granny anyway when she has a fever?
There’s already talk of baby boomers refusing to self isolate.
How long will this last before people start to revolt?
This is not going to end in 2 weeks. These are permanent fixtures & the ruling class are already selling off stocks, quitting their CEO or board positions and the government agents are shoring up their lives.
I’d love to be wrong. But I wasn’t wrong 20 years ago when I said this moment would happen – Closure Of schools, closure of businesses, and the use of a “virus” to enact fascism – when 9/11 was foisted upon us through careful orchestration.
Most critical thinking skills & analytical minds were suspended due to 9/11. Most lost the most basic understanding of physics or even what the event is or who was behind it. Pile on the subsequent smaller trauma events (shootings) & dependence on screens. We’ve been primed for this fuckery for decades – maybe longer
Think about water treatment plants, how clean water will come out of your faucet, food supply, utilities.
We have hookworm in Alabama. Lead in pipes all throughout our country. These are easily fixed issues that are not that expensive. Proper infrastructure throughout our country would be a paltry expense compared to our bloated military or Wall Street budget. But these mishandling and laziness of caring for infrastructure was done on purpose. Because third world countries which we are- are easy to sanction, destabilize and make desperate.
How long would we watch the USA masochistic destabilizing of middle eastern and Latin countries take place throughout our lives before we would finally realize the ruling class would do the same to us. The state wants your pension, to overtax you and to burden you into slavery. Even you, liberals, whose lives have not been adversely affected in any way by any Administration over the last 40 years.
That’s about to change though.
Are you ready & prepared.
Fiat currency where money is printed to bail out banks in order to keep the Dow industrial average from crashing is not a sustainable system. When there is no one spending money in the system, then there is no value to the dollar. The dollar has lost its value on the global market.
There are less food trucks on the roads. The wealthy and ruling class are having their exquisitely organically grown produce and free range meats shipped to them on private carriers, unaffected by the obvious food shortage that I personally have witnessed on grocery shelves over the last near year.
I’m not being hysterical.
This is just math.
In a system where coastal cities are already offering rent vouchers to their tenants who can’t afford to make rent due to lack of funds, what are the conditions for having your rent waived? Nothing is for free. Everything comes with a price.
A desperate society will do anything to make it to their next meal. What exactly are Americans willing to give up to fill up their gas tank, put a little food on the table or keep their utilities running?
France has defied the orders to stay inside. Their cafes, theaters, shoppes, bars, restaurants, museums have all shuttered. French citizens have been told to stay home so they don’t infect anyone. Yet, they continue to don their yellow vests and take to the street protesting neoliberalism and US backed austerity measures that have stripped them of their labor protections, their national health system & their solvent monetary system. #giletjaunes I believe will never stop fighting and a 21st century French Revolution is on the horizon.
Solidarity to all.