On Friday, August 5, 2021 the artists had a discussion about the chilling discovery we all know to be true, but which was made obvious through the Milgram Experiment: how humans are happy to torture one another especially when the torture is encouraged by an authority figure, especially if that authority figure is in a white coat.
Recently, Mark Dice did his own form of the Milgram Experiment in absurdist theater form. Watch how many people are so eager to radically self destruct by signing a fake petition which calls to jail people who make autonomous decisions over their own body:
On April 24, 2020, one month after the National Emergency was declared on March 13, 2020, Julie made a short video essay detailing the steps of indoctrination into a cult:
Click play to listen to the artists respond to the current social and medical experiments the global population is undergoing and the cult-like aspect to this:
Because this was a live broadcast, we want to include some comments which may prove useful to you.
Kate writes: “I tried to hang with people in my community who agree with me. I had the instinct before covid that I wouldn’t like them and I’ve been proven right. I’m still trying to pry them off of me. It is a cult. I feel the same as you, Julie. Humans are more disappointing than they are inspiring. It’s why I walk alone.”
John writes: “Social media provides a substitute fulfillment for the sociopathic; enabling them to indulge their baser instincts without fear of ostracism.”
John writes: “We’re living through the Milgram Experiment writ large across the globe. With very few exceptions, almost every country–irrespective of their ideological orientation–is on board this Covidiotic crazy train whose destination is a Communitarian technocratic dystopia.”
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