July 15, 2022 was an unspoken, unannounced pivotal moment in history and in context to the ongoing tensions geo-politically.
On Saturday July 16, 2022 and Sunday July 17, 2022 the critics analyzed the various points that took place last week which culminated on July 15, 2022. The audio will be below, embedded for you to listen, after these 10 salient points which were originally tweeted in a thread:
I’ve *always* believed “Covid” was cover for an actual hot war. That all the shit we were told to do: shelter in place, close down society, pull kids out of school, etc. are all tactics announced when a country is at war or has lost the war. (1)
I also believe inside AND outside forces delivered a toxin through a small amount of flu shots causing just enough citizens around the globe to get really sick & some did die. I estimate this happened in the fall of 2019 (2)
The toxin was called a “coronavirus” and then to undermine our military, police,citizenry etc. this same enemy of within and without told us in order to fight the thing we had to take more toxins.I think in strategy not emotion. These are tactics I’d deploy to weaken a country(3)
China controls the operations at Haifa,a large port in Israel. Iran, China & Russia are (going to be) conducting drills in Venezuela. This is in violation of The Monroe Doctrine. As an American, you should know what that is (4)
Any further lockdown measures that countries impose on their citizenry is because leadership in that country is concerned about a hot war, an invasion, another coup (yes another one) and are most likely unprepared militarily. The most vulnerable are island countries (5)
Which is why New Zealand locked down again and why Sri Lanka is currently in the state it is in. (6)
On July 15, Putin met with the Russian Federation’s Security Council and imposed the strictest measures ever seen in modern history. His country is entirely in service to his military. It’s being called martial law/ Click here for an overvew: https://meduza.io/en/feature/2022/07/14/vladimir-putin-enacted-more-than-100-new-laws-today-here-are-the-ones-you-need-to-know?fs=e&s=cl (7)
On the eve of 7/15 San Francisco international airport evacuated entire airport under the guise of a bomb threat.Typically when an international airport shuts down it’s to deliver someone or something in or out w/ little interruption. Any signal intelligence officer knows this(8)
On 7/15 there were sightings of helicopters displaying military tactics in Pittsburgh, Chicago, Lansing, Los Angeles and other cities throughout USA & the globe. I’m convinced they were practicing, conducting drills etc (9)
This is not to say there aren’t any internal factions at play benefiting from this vulnerable time.Big Tech & Big Pharma & Big Marketing made a killing while a portion of the population has been made weak as a result of a deployed bioweapon & impotent as a result of psyops (10)
Some other points of interest that took place on July 15, 2022 in relation to the Russian Federation:
Russian investors now have the right to to ask foreign institutions holding their frozen securities to transfer depositary accounting rights to a Russian organization: https://www.reuters.com/markets/europe/putin-signs-law-seeking-help-russian-investors-ditch-frozen-assets-2022-07-15/
Essentially a ban on crypto: https://cointelegraph.com/news/vladimir-putin-signs-bill-banning-digital-assets-as-payments-into-law
In this 90 minute audio all of the events leading up to July 15, 2022 were discussed. The audio was done on a live broadcast and the technical feed is unfortunately interrupted due to… who knows why…The points are important and a timeline is laid out which is necessary to absorb in order to fully grasp where we are in terms of a national security threat. Despite the technical interruptions and the censorship attempts on this live broadcast you should still be able to listen. Please make an attempt nonetheless. Please click the image below to listen:
On Sunday, July 17 a followup broadcast was recorded. It is free of all technical interruptions. Please click the image below to listen. It may be helpful to start with this one first:
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