Over the last two years it’s been a steady stream of noise since this announcement was made:
Mentioned in the audio are the following links:
A fascinating well-researched article on automation written by Rosemary Frei in 2019. https://nowtoronto.com/news/google-sidewalk-labs-port-lands
Emergency Use Authorization for the opioid epidemic keeps renewing every 90 days: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6788897/
The EUA for the opioid epidemic helps to fund “Harm Reduction” programs: https://www.hri.global/what-is-harm-reduction
“Policy Horizons Canada” looks like Canada’s version of the marketing platform called “World Economic Forum”
September 15, 2015 Obama’s Executive Order: Behavioral insights teams were unleashed to “benefit” the American people: https://obamawhitehouse.archives.gov/the-press-office/2015/09/15/executive-order-using-behavioral-science-insights-better-serve-american
The future of trucking in Canada is automation: https://www.cbc.ca/news/business/self-driving-trucks-canada-1.4464693?fbclid=IwAR11lFxcOvemB0N2yTIm5EULshu9QXbG_5MTkqkCqBSKuXUkbjOe5AY70xA
Uber stories: https://tcrn.ch/3nfl6Ks, https://www.uber.com/blog/uber-freight-introduces-shipper-platform-canada/
The United Nations formed in San Francisco, CA: https://www.un.org/en/about-us/history-of-the-un/san-francisco-conference
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