Obama Most Admired: A 22 Gun Salute
Gallup’s December 2017 poll found former President Barack Obama remaining the most admired man in the United States for the tenth year in a row.
We find this highly suspect. This is pure propaganda given Obama’s track record on human rights violations, increasing wars and back pedaling on promises like closing Guantanamo Bay and creating a Green Economy.
Here is our list of why Barack Obama should be anything but the most admired man in the United States:
1. Barack Obama Incarcerated more black youth in prisons, putting the Bill Clinton Omnibus Crime Bill on steroids. “Three strikes you’re out” amps up the prison industrial complex, along with the billions in federal funding that private prisons receive. “Made in America” almost always means Slave labor has made a comeback.
2. Barack Obama rewarded crooks on Wall Street during 2008 economic crash with a bailout, causing an increase in homelessness. Rewarding the system of waste, fraud and abuse by corporations who defrauded the American citizenry of their homes, their pensions and their livelihoods resulting in what is often referred to as The Great Recession.
3. Barack Obama promised in his “hope and change” campaign to close the illegal Guantanamo Bay prison camp. Yet it still remains open with consistent human rights violations as per the United Nations counsel of human rights advocates.
4. Barack Obama gave orders for militarized Police to break up, condemn and use violence against Occupy Wall street activists in violation of their right to assemble.
5. Barack Obama increased interventionist wars from 2 to 7, causing a vacuum of global terror giving rise to Daesh (ISIS), continuing the New World Order agenda of destabilizing the middle east through toppling democratically elected leaders, ransacking regions for their oil and minerals, and continuing the “War on a Feeling” rhetoric, forcing the American mindset into obliging the United States military as a global terrorist among modern nations.
6. Barack Obama authorized the Countering Disinformation & Propaganda Act which punishes anyone who criticizes state sponsored rhetoric (for example: CNN, NPR, MSNBC and all other liberal mainstream media outlets) under the header of “War on Terror.”
7. Barack Obama decimated Fourth Amendment protections of every American citizen’s privacy through mass surveillance, allowing outside organizations such as DARPA, the CIA and the NSA to tap, track and catalogue every social media post of every American citizen and store it in facilities throughout Nevada and Utah.
8. Barack Obama told Bernie Sanders supporters who wanted a socialist system to, according to a New York Times article: shut up & take your “half loaves.”
9. Barack Obama addressed the Flint Water Crisis by drinking the water and declaring that the water was fine, while alienating a huge part of the Democratic party base. Michigan, an historically democratic state, voted for Trump in the 2016 Presidential Election.
10. Barack Obama stayed silent as the Water Protectors were attacked at Standing Rock, while the pipeline moved forward on sacred ground.
11. Barack Obama pushed NAFTA-on-steroids by promoting the TPP, which would reduce USA jobs to nothing while giving rise to global slavery and no legal way to challenge the effects.
12. Barack Obama penned the ACA, a Health Insurance company bailout, forcing all Americans into tax penalties if they didn’t signup.
13. Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton brokered deals w/Saudi Arabia, selling US arms while padding Clinton Foundation coffers.
14. Barack Obama awarded Israel billions of dollars in aid while ignoring illegal settlements on Palestinian land & violation of UN treaties and the Geneva Convention rules.
15. Barack Obama refused to pardon Edward Snowden who alerted The Intercept that every American’s privacy is being violated by The State, through the Department of Homeland Security, a temporarily installed agency that operates outside the jurisdiction of the Constitution of the United States.
16. Barack Obama expanded the Bush Doctrine by continuing the Tuesday “kill-list” through drone strikes & the killing of USA citizens without due process.
17. Barack Obama is the first President of the United States in history to have a federal lawsuit filed against him for violations of Habeas Corpus and Posse Comitatus.
18. Barack Obama, while outspoken on green energy, funneled billions into oil and fracking industries while at the same time sabotaged the Green Economy and green jobs.
19. Barack Obama slipped in language into the National Defense Authorization Act a few days before Christmas 2016, to target and disappear citizen journalists without due process.
20. Barack Obama’s appointed Secretary of Labor Tom Perez refused to push for a livable wage while the USA has the highest rate of child poverty in the modern world.
21. Barack Obama is complicit in the coup of the 2016 Presidential Elections which resulted in the first ever lawsuit filed against an American Presidential Campaign (The DNC Fraud Lawsuit filed by Jared and Elizabeth Beck, FL) on behalf of voters who donated over $200 million to the Bernie Sanders campaign. Yet Obama distracted the American public from the truth of electoral fraud such as flipped registrations, voter suppression, funneling pre-ordained questions to Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton’s unlawful glad handing in voter lines, CNN announcing that Hillary Clinton had won the nomination one day before the state of CA had even voted, voters voting on machines that can easily be hacked by inside sources, voting using garbage “provisional” ballots, unverified exit polls, and instead espoused the media hysteria that “Russia” did it.
22. Just before leaving office, Obama passed an executive order: “Behavioral Insights to Better Service The American People “ – this allowed deep infiltration into work environments, medical environments, culture and media to tell lies and use “nudging” a CIA-born behavioral modification tool to convince a population to go against their own reasoning and do a thing they would normally never do.
Because of the defrauding of the American people under the Obama Administration during the election of 2016, the unconstitutional Department of Homeland Security is now in charge of our election infrastructure and is overseen by many who have a history of election fraud lawsuits against them, including Alex Padilla, Secretary of State for CA.