I remember when we used to be like that, all obsessive over the latest politician, then we remembered that the department of homeland security controls our election infrastructure and we can’t even see correct exit polls, because every ballot is sealed from view if we try to match actual votes with exit polls;
That our obsession with colonizing and homogenizing other countries is a hubris that has broken every law, every moral code and every human right known to man. We murder and pillage across the globe, for profit.
that AOC’s green new deal is nothing more than a vast give away to Silicon Valley venture capitalists; that she’s a fraud actually; this will throw us all into tax peonage with very little help to the environment
they’re all frauds actually, the politicians, existing only to distract us with their stupid inspid rhetoric while they make piles of money doing so
that no real beneficial social safety nets exist in a representational democracy; that all politicians serve the state – the state being controlled by corporations; if you can’t attach a multimillion dollar check to your vote then your vote is trash and useless
That a constant steady stream of lies is being fed to us by state propaganda agents
That the CIA has infiltrated every social media platform
That surveillance capitalism can and does exist outside and inside of social media leaving your carcass behind as it colonizes your essence and feeds off your heart and mind
That we are getting poorer through tax cuts for the rich, through no means of worker owned labor, decimation of Unions, and a decimation of a middle class
that we are getting sicker due to what they spray in the sky and put in the ground , and what they grow our food with and what they mandatorily inject into us and that we are being marginalized by the hour If we talk about it or criticize it or ask questions about it
That our movements are controlled, that we need special ID’s just to travel from state to state within our own country
That our brains and bodily functions are at risk just so we can have speedy internet –
That creativity is being attacked right now as we speak , along with critical thought, in-depth analysis, and fact or policy based narrative.
And you think a politician is going to save you from this? You’re either in deep denial or very very privileged and can afford to vote your life away.
I’d be more concerned about a judgment coming from a higher authority, or a large mass of the population who pushes back against these draconian times, as you sit smug and comfortable in your easy privileged life, looking down on everyone else who doesn’t believe the stupid, ignorant belief system you have.
You’re a voter. What a detrimental waste you are to the rest of us : the aids, the investigators, the criticizers, the carers, the auteurs, artists and speakers, the questioners. We all may have our own internal squabblers but one thing we all agree on which you, voter, don’t seem to get is that you’re engaging in a process and giving rise to a process that has waged war on all of us.