San Francisco resident David Talbot, former Editor-in-Chief of Salon recently referred to innocent Americans who are not immunized as a “public enemy.”
This bellicose saber rattling against people different than him is nothing more than the all-too-familiar gibberish-ey tantrums of a spoiled, privileged has-been that can’t get anyone to buy his new book. Don’t blame the innocent “delta variant” for your slump in sales, Mr. Talbot. (This is probably the real reason he had to cancel a party at a local bookstore).
Like so many (not all) of his generation who use Facebook as a new toy to chastise and discipline all of us mentally challenged derelicts who are meant to stand in awe under his presence, his infantile rantings are nothing more than pandering Goebbelsian-speech shilling for invisible Propaganda Czars. He is a fascist, and a tool for the state.
This post is too over the top to let it simply pass by unnoticed.
Here are the screen shots of his July 28, 2021 Facebook post:
With its pathos and whinge-ing of unscientific talking points that don’t offer any legitimate or sound statistics to justify such hate-speech, the artists are gobsmacked as to why he is even allowed to maintain a social media presence at all. Far less “offenses” (Dr. Naomi Wolf repeating language from an elected official in a live Twitter post) have killed social media influencers off the internet out-right, disappearing their avatar and carefully constructed phraseology down the memory hole.
The artists discuss this alarming rise in Hitlerian Influence on social media platforms in an audio from July 29, 2021. In this audio they discuss the Rwandan_genocide and how what’s happening now in our country is a corporatized version of the infamous genocide that pit the Tutsi’s against their Hutu neighbors.
We also call David Talbot a Communitarian, which is a person that uses “othering” language while claiming to look out for the public good, rather than advocate for individual rights. Inverted societies, often regime-changed, leave a vacuum for communitarian ideology or philosophy to slip in and chip away at the human experience or at the very least, civil rights. Fascists are allowed in when a society closes itself down to democracy and often lift up people just like Talbot as a sloppily crafted tool of the state to incite violence. Watch the artists’ popular video essay Communitarianism and see some cool footage of San Francisco!
Speaking of San Francisco, take a look at how cleverly “Eater SF” makes a list. Hint: It’s a bad sign when there’s lists of places certain people can or can’t enter based on their human approved status:
In fact, the artists did a great video on what life will most likely be like when trying to see a concert or go to a festival. Check out Concert Reset.
In the comments section of the Facebook post, Steven Zegas writes in response to Talbot’s post, “He’s drumming up another false front of a civil war with incredibly bad logic, information, critical thinking and argumentation.”
In the audio below (where Julie teases JP for accidentally putting sugar in her coffee) the artists also read from the latest “The Morning” edition of The Times: – make sure you pay attention to the part that says “Still, vaccine mandates remain the exception.”
Click the image to listen:
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